March Parents' Night Out

OLP March Parents Night Out

The next PNO is March 8! 


Have your students join in the fun, while our 8th graders fundraise towards their upcoming DC Trip!


When: March 8, 5:30-9pm


PNO Details:

  • OLP Students (age 3-must be potty trained) through Grade 5 are able to attend and can bring non-OLP guests 
  • 8th graders along with Parent Volunteers will run the evening with activiites for attendees in various locations in the school.  These may include: gym activiites, arts and crafts, movie, games
  • Tiered pricing (listed below) allows for your child to include an Eagle Meal Deal (Note: This month's Eagle Meal will be meat-free Baked Ziti)
  • Advanced sign up is highly encouraged.  The night will be capped at 60 attendees


Sign Up Deadline:  Wednesday March 6



  • PNO with Eagle Meal Deal:  $30 / child
  • PNO without Eagle Meal Deal:  $25 / child
  • Family Max Amount: $75. If you have 3 or more chidlren attending, price per family will be $75
  • Walk-in's: $30 at the door; $75 family max



  • VENMO: @OLP-Eddie Please indicate "PNO- (child's name)" in subject line!
  • Cash/Check: bring cash or check to School office no later than Wednesday March 6. Checks made out to: Our Lady of Peace Catholic School